Kanopeo is proud to sale the Deval’cable product and accessories from

SBE-Vougy – France


The trolley devacable, with teflon or stainless steel wheels, is light and use for zip line. It can be used with other type of hook as Speedrunner Kanhook.

The Deval’cable is not a PPE.

Trolley for mobile elementTROLLEY FOR MOBILE GAME

The trolley for mobile game permit to fix tarzan line, sledge, surf or or else mobile element on a cable.

In option you can add a shackle to secure it if the element should be used as safety relevant part on your belay system.

Zip line spring to brakeZIP LINE BRAKE

The zip line brake can be added easily on your zip line cable, also afterwards, to absorb speed at the end of the zip line.

The standard length is 50 cm, but you can order extension of 30 or 50 cm.

More details…

GRIPzip hand protector for breaking on zip lineGRIPZIP

The gripzip is a glove you can wear on link or left hand and used as break for the zip line or abseil. His second skin in leather specially treated against heat permit to break main zip line without injury.

The second layer can be change easily if weared.

The Gripzip can also be used over most standard gloves.

It’s also loved by worker as the etremity of the finger stay free to manipulate tools or a pencil.